Cirencester Rocks

Get the Cirencester Rocks App on Your Phone

Find things to do that suit you and your family quickly and easily by getting Cirencester Rocks on your phone so you're never more than one click away from events and activities in Cirencester - All searchable by day, age, cost and category.

There are over 100 local family events and activities listed, with new listings being added weekly.

Pop us on your phone so you're ready for action whenever, wherever.

Here's how you can get Cirencester Rocks on your phone just like an app so it's easy to find things to do with the family, anytime, without having to search out the website.

Android Users

Visit in your phone's browser (i.e. Google Chrome). Use the 3 dots at the top of the page and click 'Add to Home Screen'.

iPhone Users

Visit in your phone's browser (i.e. Safari). Use the share icon at the bottom and click 'Add to Home Screen'.

Note, if you're visiting from Facebook or Twitter you will first need to open the page in your browser which can be done using the icon at the bottom.

You can do this with any website you love to save having to search it out each time.

Cirencester Rocks. Make the most of today.